The East Zone Inter-University Men's Kabaddi Tournament has been inaugurated on 24th November 2022 at Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University. Fakir Mohan University Vice-Chancellor Professor Santosh Kumar Tripathy joined the event as Chief Guest and greeted the players in the parade at the inauguration ceremony. The band was played by the Mayurbhanj district police. University Vice-Chancellor Professor Pramod Kumar Satapathy along with the Chief Guest hoisted the flag and announced the commencement of the games. In his speech, the Chief Guest Professor Tripathy said that the game is not just a competition but an opportunity to showcase one's talent. Prof. Satapathy in his speech thanked all the players and sports officials who participated from East India for contributing to this epic sporting event. Registrar Mr. Sahadev Samadhia delivered the welcome speech. Secretary Sports Council Dr. Pravanjan Mallik proposed vote of thanks. Around 750 players and managers from more than 45 universities of eastern India are participating in this four-day Kabaddi competition.
In the first day's play, CVS Tech University defeated Sri Sri University by 44-11. Similarly, Hemchand Yadav University beat Ravenshaw University 56-14, Uttar Pradesh University beat Manipur University 42-36, ABV University Bilaspur beat Burdwan University 38-36, Centurion University beat Sri Jagannath Sanskrit University 36-33, SGG University Sarguja beat Berhampur University 44-29, Pataliputra University defeated Sambalpur University 57-19, Pandit Ravishankar University Raipur defeated AKS University Satna 39-2.
In the afternoon, VKS University beat OP Jindal University 54-20, Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University beat SOA University 49-18, Munger University beat Tezpur University 47-19, Uttar Pradesh University beat Manipur University 42-36, TM Bhagalpur University beat Banaras Hindu University 37-32. A cultural program was organized in the university auditorium for the entertainment of the players. The event featured solos by Mr. Pradeep Kumar Dwivedi, Pradeep Kumar Lenka, Namitha Mishra, Prem Kumar, Tanmay Barik, Sumant Swain, Sataprakash Pati, Shovana Das, and Kavita Das. Similarly, Odissi dance by Sangeeta Murmu. Solo dance by Ujjayini Sethi, Pragyanmita Das and Aditya Mahapatram Duet dance by Subhangi and Pratiksha, Duet Samabalpuri dance by Satyabhama and Deepak, Group Sambalwari dance by Saishrita Mohant and group, Group dance by Mayurbhanj Art and Foundation and Santali dance by the Santali department were performed. The program was coordinated by students including Kasturiba Mohanta, Sonali Routray, Kumar Gourav Swain and others.
University P.E.T. Mr. Pradipta Ranjan Das and various recognized sports officials of Odisha state, sports teachers of the affiliated colleges of the University and staff of the University assisted in managing the program. A lot of enthusiasm was observed among the students and sports lovers of Mayurbhanj for organizing such a sports Mahakumbha for the first time in Baripada and the University.
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