Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanja Deo University welcomed the new year with a ceremonial meeting held on 3rd January 2023 in the 200-seated conference hall. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Santosh Kumar Tripathy attended the event as the Chief Guest and received New Year's greetings from various staff members of the University. Registrar Mr. Sahadev Samadhia presided over the meeting and greeted everyone for the new year on behalf of the university. In his speech, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Tripathy considered the University as a family and sought everyone's cooperation for the upcoming NAAC assessment to be held this year and overall improvement of the University. The Chairman of the PG Council, Prof. Pramod Kumar Satapathy expressed hope in his speech that the new year will bring new enthusiasm to everyone. Controller of Examinations Professor Lakshmidhar Giri assessed that the upcoming NAAC visit to be held this year is a time of examination for all. The Comptroller of Fianance Mr. Sukdev Tarei called for progress in the new year by applying new knowledge and skills. Among others, Director, IQAC Prof. M. Himabindu, University Teachers' Association President Prof. Hrudaynath Thatoi, Asst. Professor of Social Work Mr. Shubhendu Satapthy, Secretary of University Non-Teaching Assoiciation Mr. Debendra Kumar Pati, Representative of Outsourcing Staff Mr. Ranjan Kumar Behera delivered welcome addresses. Finally, Asst. Professor of Department of Odia Dr. Bichitranath Sahu proposed vote of thanks. All the faculty members and non-teaching staff members of the university participated in this gathering.
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